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We’re On Substack!! So what! Everyone is on Substack what makes you so different?


We’re On Substack!! So what! Everyone is on Substack what makes you so different?

Probably not much…lol but The Geek Collective has been running Marketing & Public Relations for a few crowdfunding talents, we found it can be a bit stressful to traverse the marketing terrain…there is a lot of great resources but still very few …not to mention very lucky if they are available so we want to be part of the solution. We want to feature your crowdfunding campaign in our newsletter! This goes out to fellow Comicbook GEEKS like us!! We’re want to hear about your campaign but best of all we want the community to hear about you! Think of us as a NEW press resource to add to your Media Partners list. We believe in community & collaboration over competition! We are stronger together!

How do I sign up?

All you have to do is fill out the form below. Someone will then reach out. Remember to sign up to the substack newsletter at the very bottom of this page! Looking forward to seeing your projects!

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joeygalvez administrator

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